A-PRF(Advanced PRF)가 PRF와 CGF보다 뛰어난 이유!(근거중심)
J Periodontol. 2016 Sep 2:1-17. [Epub ahead of print] Optimized Platelet Rich Fibrin With the Low Speed Concept: Growth Factor Release, Biocompatibility and Cellular Response. Fujioka-Kobayashi M1,2,3, Miron RJ1, Hernandez M1, Kandalam U4, Zhang Y5, Choukroun J6. Author information 1Department of Periodontology, College of Dental Medicine, Nova Southeastern University, Fort La..
Advanced PRF, A-PRF의 우수성을 보여주는 논문 두 편!
J Periodontol. 2016 Sep 2:1-17. [Epub ahead of print]Optimized Platelet Rich Fibrin With the Low Speed Concept: Growth Factor Release, Biocompatibility and Cellular Response.Fujioka-Kobayashi M1,2,3, Miron RJ1, Hernandez M1, Kandalam U4, Zhang Y5, Choukroun J6.Author information1Department of Periodontology, College of Dental Medicine, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderd..