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리트로엠티에이, RetroMTA 구매는 오스코 쇼핑몰에서

RetroMTA is a hydraulic bioceramic material for repair and vital pulp therapy.
Portland cement is not used as a raw material. RetroMTA is a powder consisting of fine, hydrophilic particles that set in the presence of water and form a strong impermeable barrier. It contains hydraulic calcium zirconia complex as a contrast media. Setting time is 150 seconds. It has no discoloration even in the blood contamination. Therefore it is a ideal for aesthetic repair material. It contains no heavy metals. It has no toxicity to cells with in 48 hours. This means it is a substance for vital pulp therapy. (pulp capping, pulpotomy and pulpectomy) In vivo condition, Initial Ph is up to 12.5 and down to 7.8~8.0 in 4 weeks.
Ex vivo study shows it has the high potential for biomineralization.

Vital Pulp Terapy & Root Repair
Fast Setting
No Discoloration
No Heavy Metal
No Cell Toxicity
Good Handling Properties
Economic Price

Hydraulic calcium zirconia
Mixing Instructions

1. Open the cap and pouch.
2. Pour the 0.3g powder into the floor of the cap
3. Cut the plastic pipettes with scissors
4. Make 3 drops onto the power
5. Wet it gently with a plastic spatula for 20 seconds
6. Wait until the shiny surface disappears
7. Apply the putty like RetroMTA with proper pressure

1. 0.3g RetroMTA powder and wetting solution
2. Pour the 0.3g powder make 3 drops
3. Wet it gently with 20 seconds
4. Wait until the shiny surface disappears5
5. Apply it with a carrier

• Package : 0.3g × 8caps / package
Physical Properties

Composition and Ingredient Information

Characteristics of RetroMTA
• Rapid setting time : 150 sec
• Excellent sealing ability
• Excellent bactericidal effect

• No discoloration
• No heavy metal : No Cr, As, Ni, Bi, Fe, Cd
• No toxic to cells : Grade 0 (cell toxicity test)

• Good radio-opacity : Al 5mm above value
Material&Methods : immersion 12 hr before chemical setting.

Sealability : infiltration depth of C-S-H. 100 micron into the dentinal tubuels.

Pulp cappingㆍPulpotomyㆍPulpectomyㆍApexificationㆍApexogenesisㆍREP

PerforaionㆍApical surgeryㆍRoot resorptionㆍReplantationㆍ1-visit Apexification Indirect pulp capping

Treatment of discolorationㆍPrevention of discolorationㆍNo Black of discoloration

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