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에지파일 X1, 웨이브원, 레스프록 호환

More Studies Keep Showing EdgeEndo Domination!

EdgeEndo® files continue to be recognized as superior files. Many manufacturers are focused on refining the performance of NiTi. In recent studies conducted by university students and presented at the AAE conference, EdgeFile® was shown to be significantly more resistant to cyclic fatigue. Cyclic fatigue of a NiTi file occurs when the metal blade is subjected to repeated cycles of tension and compression that lead to stress and hardening of the material. In this study the six rotary files were tested for cyclic fatigue in an artificial canal. The survival of the instruments were tested using Weibull reliability test.




Cyclic fatigue occurs due to recurrent tension and compression inside the curved canals that leads to crack formation and propagation that progresses until failure. Many factors affect instrument cyclic fatigue including the type of wire that the instrument is made of, instrument design, instrumentation motion and surface integrity.

The efforts of manufacturers are consistently focused on refining the performance of instruments and increasing their resistance to fracture. Instrument modifications include surface electropolishing, changes in the file design and cross section and the use of reciprocating motions rather than continuous motions.

Recently, Thermal treatment optimizes the microstructure and maximizes the flexibility and resistance to cyclic fatigue of an instrument.

Today, instruments make of controlled memory wires have been introduced to the market and exhibit greater resistance to cyclic fatigue that regular NiTi alloys.




To compare the cyclic fatigue of six rotary instruments with different nickel-titanium (NiTi) wires.




F2 ProTaper Universal® (PT) and ProTaper Gold® (PTG) (Dentsply, Tulsa Dental Specialties, Tulsa OK, USA), C2 EdgeFile® (EF) (EdgeEndo, Albuquerque NM, USA), R25 RECIPROC® (RC) (VDW, Munich, Germany), Primary WaveOne® (WO) (Dentsply, Taillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland), and #25 oneShape® (OS) (Micro-Mega, Besancon Cedex, France) (n-15 instruments) were tested for cyclic fatigue in an artificial canal with a 6-mm radium and a 45 degree curvature. The artificial canal within a stainless steel block was milled by using laser with the aid of computer program which reproduced the instrument size and taper and preserved the instruments trajectory that was adapted to the parameters selected. Number of cycles to fatigue (NCF) was recorded; the lateral surface and fractured face of segments were examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and the cross sectional area was measured. one-way ANOVAs and Games-Howell tests were utilized for data analysis.




The EdgeFile had significantly greater resistance to cyclic fatigue, followed by the RC, WO, PTG, OS and PT (p<0.05). The WO and RC were significantly more resistant to cyclic fatigue than the PTG, OS, and PT.

No significant difference was found between the OS and the PTG (p<0.05), and the PT exhibited the lowest resistance to cyclic fatigue compared to the other systems (p<0.05).




The EdgeFile® was significantly more resistant to cyclic fatigue and was followed by the RECIPROC, WaveOne, ProTaper Gold, oneShape and ProTaper rotary files.

The improvements to rotary instruments were proven to increase their resistances to cyclic fatigue.

EdgeEndo® FireWire™ NiTi

EdgeEndo® proprietary heat treatment process called FireWire™ with a combination of heat treatment and cryogenic application has created NiTi unmatched flexibility and resistance to cyclic fatigue. FireWire™ NiTi files provide cyclic fatigue resistance many times greater than other NiTi files. The increased flexibility of Heat treated NiTi allows files to better follow the canal, but EdgeEndo® FireWire™ NiTi does away with shape memory and “Bounce Back” and therefore gives incredible canal contouring capability. Dentin is preserved and canals in apical third are preserved.

Incredibly Strong 

The revolutionary EdgeFile® uses our own flexible FireWire™ NiTi  forged with our proprietary heat treating process. Our files are two to eight times more resistant to cyclical fatigue compared to other NiTi files–substantially reducing the incidence of file separation.

No Shape Memory Means a Superior File   

Our heat treating process gives the EdgeFile® Series, “Canal Contouring Technology,” making the files extremely flexible and reducing the shape memory and “bounce back” effect of other NiTi files. The flexible EdgeFile® closely follows the anatomy of the canal without straightening out, reducing the risk of ledging, transportation, and perforation. The flexible shaft reduces the need for excessive straight line access, allowing more tooth structure to be preserved.

Universal Compatibility

EdgeEndo® files, obturators and supplies are designed to work seamlessly with your current system and technique

The instrument is made of an Annealed Heat Treated (AHT) nickel-titanium alloy
brand named Fire-Wire™. All files are constant tapered.

EdgeFile® X1 Indications for Use
Endodontics for the removal of dentin and root canal shaping. It is compatible with
the WaveOne® reciprocating file system and must be used in the WaveOne® motor
and hand piece system using the WaveOne® motor setting.

Like all mechanically driven endodontic instruments they should not be used in
cases with very severe and sudden curvatures.

• A rubber dam system should be used.
• The EdgeFile® X1 files are non-sterile and must be sterilized before patient use.

As with all products, use carefully until you become proficient with use. Always
determine working length using radiographs and/or apex locator to properly use
reciprocating files.

Important points to remember
1. Use only in an electric motor and hand piece designed for the
WaveOne® instruments.
2. Do not use EdgeFile® X1 in a traditional rotary hand piece
3. Straight-line access is imperative for proper reciprocating file use and endodontic
4. Do not force the files down canals, use minimal apical pressure.
5. Clean the flutes frequently and at least after removing the files from the canal.
6. Irrigate and lubricate frequently the canal throughout the procedure.
7. Take each reciprocating file to length only one time and for no more than
one second.
8. In apical areas and curved canals exercise caution.
9. EdgeFile® X1 files are single patient use devices.
10. When instrumenting the canal, do not over-enlarge the coronal portion
of the canal.
11. Too large a file taken to length increases the risk of canal transportation and
file separation.
12. EdgeFile® X1 undergoes our proprietary Annealed Heat Treatment (AHT)
forming our branded Fire-Wire™ NiTi which increases cyclic fatigue resistance
and torque strength. With this proprietary processing, EdgeFile® X1 files may
be slightly curved. This is not a manufacturing defect. While the file can be easily
straightened with your fingers, it is not necessary as once they are inside the
canal, the EdgeFile® X1 will follow and conform to the natural canal anatomy
and curvatures.

Adverse Reactions
This product contains Nickel and should not be used for individuals with known
allergic sensitivity to this metal.

Files must be sterilized before use. ANSI/ADA Specification 28 recommends
• Scrub the instruments with soap and warm water.
• Rinse thoroughly with distilled or deionized water.
• Allow to air dry.

• Place the instruments, unwrapped, in an autoclave tray.
• Use fresh distilled or deionized water.
• Steam Autoclave at 136° C (plus or minus 2° C) for 20 minutes.
• EdgeFile® X1 files are for single patient use.
• Recommended File Disposal Place used files in a Biohazard Sharps container.
EdgeFile® X1 Straight-Line Access
• Create a glide path and determine the working length prior to EdgeFile® X1 file
use by negotiating all root canals to their terminus with stainless steel #10 and #15
hand files and a lubricant.
• Establish patency by taking a #10 K-File 1mm past the canal terminus, and at least
a #15 K-File to the terminus.
EdgeFile®X1 Size Selection
• If the #10 hand file was tight use the EdgeFile® X1 20/06
• If the #10 hand file was easy but the #15 hand file was tight use the
EdgeFile® X1 25/06
• If both the #10 and #15 hand files were easy use the EdgeFile® X1 40/06
Safe Unwinding
As a safety feature the files are designed to unwind. They may be used until the
files unwind backwards.

EdgeFile®X1 Shaping and Cleaning
1. The EdgeFile® X1 files can only be used in a motor designed for WaveOne®
2. Place the selected EdgeFile® X1 file into the hand piece.
3. With lubricant in the canal and light apical pressure, use a gentle inward pecking
motion advancing the file 2-3 mm then lifting up 1-2 mm. Keep repeating this
motion to passively advance the EdgeFile® X1 file until it does not easily
4. Remove the EdgeFile® X1 file from the canal, remove debris and inspect the
file, irrigate and recapitulate with a #10 hand file 1 mm past the canal terminus.
5. Repeat steps 3 & 4 until the EdgeFile® X1 file is to the working length. But if after
repeated attempts the EdgeFile® X1 file does not seem to be advancing any
further, drop down in EdgeFile®X1 file size and finish the canal.
6. Apically gauge the size of the foramen with a hand file the same tip size as
the EdgeFile® X1 file taken to length. If the gauging hand file is a snug fit, the
preparation is finished. If it is loose, use the next larger EdgeFile® X1 file to
finish the preparation. Then obturate the canal.

Electric Hand piece
The EdgeFile® X1 file can only be used in an electric hand piece and motor
designed for WaveOne® instruments using the WaveOne® setting. See manufacturer

Obturation of Canal Systems
• When using thermal carrier systems such as EdgeFile® X1 or EdgeFile® X1 , use
size verifiers to determine the proper sized carrier.
• When using a master gutta percha cone that matches the largest file taken to
length, remember sometimes you may need to drop down in cone tip size if the
corresponding gutta percha to your final reciprocating file does not go to length.
Hand Piece
Only use the EdgeFile® X1 in same hand piece and motor that is designed for the
WaveOne® instrument using the WaveOne® setting.