에지엔도 나이타이 파일
EdgeEndo Fire-Wire Heat Treated NiTi File
Made in USA
EdgEdno LLC
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Effect of Temperature on NiTi Cyclic Fatigue
Dr. Andy Dosanjh – The University of Detroit Mercy
A pilot study conducted at the University of Detroit Mercy showed EdgeFile files to have significantly greater cycles compared to competing files. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of different temperature changes on the cyclic fatigue of EdgeFile, Vortex Blue, and ESX rotary NiTi instruments. The three groups of NiTi rotary files were tested in a metal block that simulated a canal curvature of 60˚ and 5 mm radius of curvature. The block was submerged in a controlled-temperature water bath filled with water at four different temperatures. Thirty files from each experimental group were tested in the block at each of the four temperature cycles, and rotated at 500 rpm. Time to file fracture was recorded, and converted to number of cycles to fracture (NCF).
Vortex Blue files showed a significant decrease in NitTI cyclic fatigue as temperature increased from 3˚C to 60˚C. ESX files showed a significant decrease in NCF as temperature increased from 3˚C to 37˚C. EdgeFile files showed a significant increase in NitTI cyclic fatigue from 3˚C to 22˚C, and a significant decrease in NCF from 22˚C to 37˚C. For each temperature tested, EdgeFile files showed higher NCF than Vortex Blue files, and Vortex Blue files showed higher NitTI cyclic fatigue than ESX files. The findings showed that temperature does have an effect on the number of cycles to fracture for all rotary NiTi endodontic files tested. The findings from the study suggest that with the exception of files that are already in a martensitic phase, an irrigant chilled below room temperature seems favorable to increase NiTi cyclic fatigue.
In this in vitro study, temperature was found to have a significant effect on the cyclic fatigue of the NiTi rotary files tested. At each tested temperature, NCF of EdgeFile files were higher than NCF of Vortex Blue files, which was higher than NCF of ESX files. At all temperatures, EdgeFile files were found to have significantly higher cyclic fatigue than Vortex Blue files, which had significantly higher cyclic fatigue than ESX files. Since the cyclic fatigue of various file types was found to be significantly affected by temperature, future cyclic fatigue studies are recommended to be conducted at body temperature. Consideration should be taken in interpretation of studies conducted at room temperature.
More Studies Keep Showing EdgeEndo Domination!
EdgeEndo® files continue to be recognized as superior files. Many manufacturers are focused on refining the performance of NiTi. In recent studies conducted by university students and presented at the AAE conference, EdgeFile® was shown to be significantly more resistant to cyclic fatigue. Cyclic fatigue of a NiTi file occurs when the metal blade is subjected to repeated cycles of tension and compression that lead to stress and hardening of the material. In this study the six rotary files were tested for cyclic fatigue in an artificial canal. The survival of the instruments were tested using Weibull reliability test.
Cyclic fatigue occurs due to recurrent tension and compression inside the curved canals that leads to crack formation and propagation that progresses until failure. Many factors affect instrument cyclic fatigue including the type of wire that the instrument is made of, instrument design, instrumentation motion and surface integrity.
The efforts of manufacturers are consistently focused on refining the performance of instruments and increasing their resistance to fracture. Instrument modifications include surface electropolishing, changes in the file design and cross section and the use of reciprocating motions rather than continuous motions.
Recently, Thermal treatment optimizes the microstructure and maximizes the flexibility and resistance to cyclic fatigue of an instrument.
Today, instruments make of controlled memory wires have been introduced to the market and exhibit greater resistance to cyclic fatigue that regular NiTi alloys.
To compare the cyclic fatigue of six rotary instruments with different nickel-titanium (NiTi) wires.
F2 ProTaper Universal® (PT) and ProTaper Gold® (PTG) (Dentsply, Tulsa Dental Specialties, Tulsa OK, USA), C2 EdgeFile® (EF) (EdgeEndo, Albuquerque NM, USA), R25 RECIPROC® (RC) (VDW, Munich, Germany), Primary WaveOne® (WO) (Dentsply, Taillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland), and #25 oneShape® (OS) (Micro-Mega, Besancon Cedex, France) (n-15 instruments) were tested for cyclic fatigue in an artificial canal with a 6-mm radium and a 45 degree curvature. The artificial canal within a stainless steel block was milled by using laser with the aid of computer program which reproduced the instrument size and taper and preserved the instruments trajectory that was adapted to the parameters selected. Number of cycles to fatigue (NCF) was recorded; the lateral surface and fractured face of segments were examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and the cross sectional area was measured. one-way ANOVAs and Games-Howell tests were utilized for data analysis.
The EdgeFile had significantly greater resistance to cyclic fatigue, followed by the RC, WO, PTG, OS and PT (p<0.05). The WO and RC were significantly more resistant to cyclic fatigue than the PTG, OS, and PT.
No significant difference was found between the OS and the PTG (p<0.05), and the PT exhibited the lowest resistance to cyclic fatigue compared to the other systems (p<0.05).
The EdgeFile® was significantly more resistant to cyclic fatigue and was followed by the RECIPROC, WaveOne, ProTaper Gold, oneShape and ProTaper rotary files.
The improvements to rotary instruments were proven to increase their resistances to cyclic fatigue.
Low Cost Endodontic Files
A publication of CR Foundation ®
Reprinted June 2017, with permission, from Vol. 10 Issue 6, Pages 1,4,5
Gordon’s Clinical Observations: Endodontic treatment is a nearly daily procedure for most general dentists, and the relatively low overhead makes this treatment very profitable if accomplished correctly. The introduction of lower-cost endo files has many clinicians wondering if these files are clinically acceptable and as efficient as conventional higher-cost files. CR scientists and clinicians, assisted by a survey of practitioners, help you decide if these inexpensive files are right for you.
CR CONCLUSIONS: Clinical and laboratory evaluations found the EdgeFile to have clinically acceptable performance with a cost significantly lower than other leading brands. Users noted its flexibility, strength, and ability to hold its shape. They rated file separation as similar to other brands, which was confirmed with controlled tests. Low cost makes single use of endo files a more viable option. Design features and metallurgy differ among brands, and clinicians should consider all factors when choosing files, including feel, efficiency, aggressiveness, flexibility, shape, familiarity, cost, compatibility with obturation, etc.
Mechanical Properties of Various Glide Path Instruments
•Cyclic resistance, torsional resistance, and bending stiffness of glide path files made of different alloys were compared using custom devices.
•EdgeGlidePath made from heat-treated wire showed higher cyclic resistance than ProGlider and one G.
•One G made from conventional NiTi wire showed higher torsional resistance than EdgeGlidePath and ProGlider.
•One G made from conventional NiTi wire showed higher bending stiffness than EdgeGlidePath and ProGlider.
The aim of this study was to compare the cyclic fatigue, torsional resistance, and bending stiffness of single-file glide path preparation nickel-titanium instruments.
ProGlider (#16/progressive taper; Dentsply Sirona, Ballaigues, Switzerland), one G (#14/.03; Micro-Mega, Besancon, France), and EdgeGlidePath (#16/progressive taper; Edge Endo, Albuquerque, NM) were tested. For the bending stiffness test, the instrument was bent to a 45° angle along the main axis while 3 mm of the tip was secured. Cyclic fatigue resistance was measured during pecking movement, whereas the file was rotated within a reproducible simulated canal with a 3-mm radius and a 90° angle of curvature. The ultimate torsional strength and toughness were evaluated using a custom device. While tightly holding the end of the file at 3 mm, a rotational load of 2 rpm speed was applied until fracture. The results were analyzed using 1-way analysis of variance and Tukey post hoc comparison. A microscopic inspection was performed on the surface of a separate instrument using a scanning electron microscope.
EdgeGlidePath showed superior cyclic fatigue resistance compared with the other systems. one G showed higher maximum torsional strength than the others. one G showed the largest distortion angle and the highest toughness followed by EdgeGlidePath and ProGlider (P < .05). one G also showed larger bending stiffness than the others, whereas EdgeGlidePath showed a larger residual angle than the others (P < .05).
Conventional wire showed higher toughness and torsional resistance than M-Wire and heat-treated nickel-titanium instruments. However, heat-treated wire showed higher cyclic resistance than conventional wire and M-Wire.
Analysis of Single File Rotary and Reciprocating Glidepath Systems
Cyclic Fatigue and Torsional Failure of EdgeTaper Platinum Endodontic Files at Simulated Body Temperature
Jamleh, BDS, MSc, PhD, Amjad Alghaihab, DMD,
Abdulmohsen Alfadley, BDS, MSc, FRCD(C), Hussam Alfawaz, BDS, MS, Abdullah
Alqedairi, BDS, MS, and Khalid Alfouzan, BDS, MSEd
Introduction: The aim of this in vitro study was to compare the cyclic fatigue resistance and torsional resis-tance of EdgeTaper Platinum (ETP) with those of Pro-Taper Gold (PTG) at simulated body temperature.
Methods: ETP and PTG files with #25 tip size were selected. Cyclic fatigue tests were performed in a stain-less steel artificial canal until file fracture occurred. The time to fracture was recorded. For the torsional resis-tance testing, the apical 5 mm of the file was firmly secured with acrylic resin, and the assembly was fixed over torque gauge device. A uniform torsional stress was applied with continuous rotation motion until frac-ture occurred. The torque at failure was recorded. Both experiments were conducted at 35 1
C. Fractured sur-faces were tested via scanning electron microscopy. Sta-tistical analysis was performed using independent Student t test at 5% significance level.
Results: The ETP had superior cyclic fatigue resistance than PTG (P < .01). However, it exhibited lower torsional resis-tance (P < .05). The ETP and PTG showed typical fea-tures of cyclic and torsional fatigue behavior under scanning electron microscopy.
Conclusions: The ETP exhibited superior resistance to cyclic fatigue but failed to show any improvement in the torsional resistance compared with PTG. (J Endod 2019;45:611–614)
Comparison in Cyclic Fatigue Resistance Between EdgeTaper Platinum and ProTaper Gold After one and Three Stimulated Clinical Uses
Quantitative Analysis of the Antimicrobial Efficacy of Two Rotary Files
Transportation Study
Differences in cyclic fatigue lifespan: WaveOne Gold vs EdgeOne Fire.
Differences in cyclic fatigue lifespan between two different heat treated NiTi endodontic rotary instruments: WaveOne Gold vs EdgeOne Fire.
Gambarini G, Galli M, Di Nardo D, Seracchiani M, Donfrancesco O, Testarelli L.
J Clin Exp Dent. 2019 July
* Article Number: 55839
* Publication Types: research-article
* Article section: Operative Dentistry and Endodontics
Background: Aim of this study is to investigate the cyclic fatigue
resistance of the Gold treated WaveOne Gold and the Firewire treated EdgeOne
Fire instruments. The null hypotesis was that there were no differences between
the lifespan of Gold treated and FireWire treated instruments when subjected to
cyclic fatigue tests.
Material and Methods: 40 new NiTi instruments with a length of 25 mm were
tested: 20 Wave one Gold Medium (WOG), tip size 35 and variable taper (Dentsply
Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland) and 20 Edge one Fire (EOF) (EdgeEndo,
Albuquerque, New Mexico) tip size 35 and the same variable taper. A mobile
support for the electrichandpiece and a stainless-steel block containing the
artificial canals were used. The same artificial root canal witha 90 degrees
angle of curvature and 2 mm radius of curvature was used for all the tested
instruments and the WOG counter-clock wise reciprocating motion with an
engaging angle of 150° and a disengaging angle of 30° at 300 rpm, was selected
for the test. All instruments were inserted at the same length (18mm) and then
rotated in the same reciprocating motion until fracture occurred: the time was
stopped as soon as the fracture was visible and video-re- corded with a 1/100
sec chronometer. Differences among groups were statistically evaluated with an
analysis ofvariance test ANOVA (significance level was set at p<0.05).
Results: Mean values of time to fracture (TtF) for EOF
instruments were 28,00 seconds (SD +/- 2,64) and for WOGinstruments were 14,67
seconds (SD +/- 2,41). Statistical analysis found significant differences
between the TtF ofthe two instruments (p<0,05).
Conclusions: Firewire instruments resulted to be about two times more
resistant to cyclic fatigue when compared with identical instruments made with
Gold treatment.
Key words: Endodontics, NiTi, Waveone Gold, EdgeOne Fire, Cyclic Fatigue.
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