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에지테이퍼 플레티넘 VS 프로테이퍼 골드 : 회전피로파절저항성 비교 논문

에지엔도 나이타이파일의 특징은 Fire-Wore 열처리!

Cyclic Fatigue and Torsional Failure of EdgeTaper Platinum Endodontic Files at Simulated Body Temperature

체온조건에서 에지테이퍼 플래티늄파일과 프로테이퍼 골드 파일의 회전피로와 꼬임파절 실험

Ahmed Jamleh, BDS, MSc, PhD, Amjad Alghaihab, DMD,
Abdulmohsen Alfadley, BDS, MSc, FRCD(C), Hussam Alfawaz, BDS, MS, Abdullah Alqedairi, BDS, MS, and Khalid Alfouzan, BDS, MSEd

Introduction: The aim of this in vitro study was to compare the cyclic fatigue resistance and torsional resis-tance of EdgeTaper Platinum (ETP) with those of Pro-Taper Gold (PTG) at simulated body temperature.

Methods: ETP and PTG les with #25 tip size were selected. Cyclic fatigue tests were performed in a stain-less steel articial canal until le fracture occurred. The time to fracture was recorded. For the torsional resis-tance testing, the apical 5 mm of the le was rmly secured with acrylic resin, and the assembly was xed over torque gauge device. A uniform torsional stress was applied with continuous rotation motion until frac-ture occurred. The torque at failure was recorded. Both experiments were conducted at 35  1

C. Fractured sur-faces were tested via scanning electron microscopy. Sta-tistical analysis was performed using independent Student t test at 5% signicance level.

Results: The ETP had superior cyclic fatigue resistance than PTG (P < .01). However, it exhibited lower torsional resis-tance (P < .05). The ETP and PTG showed typical fea-tures of cyclic and torsional fatigue behavior under scanning electron microscopy.

Conclusions: The ETP exhibited superior resistance to cyclic fatigue but failed to show any improvement in the torsional resistance compared with PTG. (J Endod 2019;45:611–614)

Comparison in Cyclic Fatigue Resistance Between EdgeTaper Platinum and ProTaper Gold After One and Three Stimulated Clinical Uses

한 번, 세 번 사용했을때 에지테이퍼 플래티넘과 프로테이퍼 골드의

회전피로 저항성 비교

프로테이퍼 넥스트와 호환 되는 에지테이퍼 앙코어도 있습니다.
