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트랜스폼 열변형 인상 트레이 추천!

Transforming Aesthetic Preparations


Dr Adam Glassford explains why he’s been “Transformed”...

My clinical practice focuses on implant and aesthetic dentistry and therefore taking accurate impressions forms a significant part of my treatment planning and preparation. Choosing the correct impression material and becoming skilled in use of these materials comes from experience yet this is only part of the challenge. An important part of accurate preparation is finding a good quality impression tray that accurately fits the oral cavity. Often we take a stock tray and then have to follow this with a special tray. This process can be time consuming, costly and as we know, a little uncomfortable for the patient.

I have used Transform impression trays for numerous aesthetic and restorative cases and particularly like their ability to be custom moulded to fit awkward arch forms. The Transform trays have excellent anatomical shape and can be remoulded if necessary to fit a more complex shaped oral cavity.

The moulding process is very simple and just requires a hot water bath or dry air heater. once moulded the Transform trays remain extremely rigid and resist any distortion, and the finger rest is useful to equilibrate pressure. I have used them in preparation for restoring many of my implant cases and in a number of instances they negate the need for a special tray
(Fig 1). To date I have not had any issues of distortion or problems with restoration fit at all.

I would strongly recommend colleagues to try this innovative product!!

70도(정수기의 뜨거운 물)에 15초 담근후 원하는 형태로 변형이 가능한 트레이입니다.

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변형 후에도 체적변화가 없어 정밀한 인상채득이 가능합니다.

트랜스폼 유치악 트레이

상악, 하악, 스몰/미디움/라지

트랜스폼 무치악 트레이

상악, 하악, 스몰/미디움/라지

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