스케일링시 금속 스케릴러에의한 치아표면 손상
스케일링후 거친 치면 연마제에 의한 치면손상
치아교정시 불량한 치아관리로인한 탈회및 충치
투명교정시 인위적인 치간삭제로 인한 치아 손상
치아미백시 치면의 탈회로인한 시린이 증상
치아미백시 치면의 탈회로 인한 착색 및 변색
스케일링, 치아교정, 치아미백시 생길 수 있는 치면손상을 예방하거나 치료할 수 있는 방법은 없을까요?
치아와 같은성분의 나노입자 하이드록시아파타이트로 치아에 영영분을 공급하고 치면을 매끈하게 할 수 있습니다.
치아의 법랑질(에나멜질, 겉표면)의 97%는 하이드록시아파타이트라는 미네랄입니다.
치아의 겉 표면이 손상 되면 거칠어 지기때문에 이물질이 끼기 쉽고 세균 및 플라그가 좋아 하는 환경이 됩니다.
물론 치아도 탈회 되고 변색 되어 노화가 빠르게 진행 됩니다. 그래서 치아를 매끈하고 윤기있게 관리하는 것이 중요합니다.
치아는 한 번 손상 되면 원래상태로 복구가 거의 불가능하다고 보면 됩니다.
치아가 손상 되기전에 관리하는 예방이 최선입니다.
아파프로는 나노입자 하이드록시아파타이트가 주원료인 치아재광화 촉진재입니다. 치아재광화 촉진재는 치아에 영양분을 공급하여 충치를 예방하고 치아를 단단하게 하는 재료를 말하며 의료기기의 하나입니다.
아파프로는 치약이 아니라 의료기기입니다.
치아재광화 촉진재 '아파프로'
일본 산기사 개발
1993년 일본 후생성 충치예방물질 승인
2017년 한국 식약처 '치아재광화촉진재' 승인
*아파프로는 치과에서의 프로케어와 가정에서의 자가케어가 모두 가능합니다.
*아파프로는 용량과 용법에 엄격한 제한이 없으며 삼켜도 인체에 무해 하므로 어린이, 임신부, 노인등 전연령층의 치아관리에 사용할 수 있습니다.
*아파프로는 단 1회만 사용해도 치아가 매끈해지는 효과를 느낄 수 있습니다.
아파프로를 통해 환자가 누릴수 있는 혜택
Remineralization Natural Tooth Repair 자연회복력에 의한 치아의 리페어, 치아의 재광화
Sangi’s idea in developing the first nanohydroxyapatite remineralizing toothpaste was to support a naturally occurring function – the restorative role of saliva – in the mouth.
Demineralization and remineralization of tooth enamel take place constantly. The tooth surface is easily colonized by bacteria to form dental plaque, especially in minute fissures or spaces between the teeth where a toothbrush cannot reach. Enamel is made up of closely packed hydroxyapatite rods, separated by tiny channels about 50 nanometers wide. Acids produced by plaque bacteria seep into these channels and can dissolve the rods, causing the enamel to become demineralized.
Saliva plays a protective role, by neutralizing acids caused by plaque bacteria, and by providing calcium and phosphate ions – the building blocks of hydroxyapatite – which diffuse back into the enamel to restore lost mineral, so that the enamel becomes remineralized.
If demineralization and remineralization balance each other at the tooth surface, no net loss of mineral occurs. But conditions such as excess plaque, inadequate saliva flow, or heavy intake of acidic foods and beverages can tip the balance in favor or demineralization, so that a cavity – dental caries – may result.
However in its early stages, if sufficient mineral is provided, demineralization (incipient caries or ‘white spot’ lesions) can be reversed.
Anticaries Functions Mode of Action of nano <mHAP> 나노 하이드록시아파타이트의 충치예방기능
Three functions of nano
① Adhesion to and Removal of Plaque 플라그의 부착과 제거
<mHAP> has a strong propensity to bind with protein, and adheres to bacteria and plaque fragments during brushing, facilitating their removal on rinsing from the mouth. This feature is enhanced by <mHAP>’s nanoparticle size, which increases the surface area to which proteins attach.
<mHAP> nanoparticles bind to S. mutans bacteria
(Electron Micrograph)
② Filling of Microscopic Surface Fissures 치아표면의 현미경 단위의 손상 충천
<mHAP> also acts as a filler, repairing minute pits and fissures in the enamel surface.This function, also enhanced by its nano size, results in smoother, glossier enamel, with fewer sites likely to harbor plaque and stains
Enamel surface roughness (left) before and (right) after treatment with nano
RA=average surface roughness (nm)
(Scanning Probe Micrograph(SPM), Sangi Central Research Laboratory)
③ Remineralization of Subsurface Demineralized Areas (Incipient Caries) 치면하방 초기우식의 재광화
<mHAP> nanoparticles supplement the supply of mineral from saliva, remineralizing subsurface demineralized areas of the enamel (‘white spot’ lesions or incipient caries), and restoring mineral density and translucency to enhance the whiteness of the teeth.
Subsurface demineralized area (left) before and (right) after treatment with Nano
(Contact Microradiogram, Sangi Central Research Laboratory)
By helping to remove plaque, and restoring smoothness and mineral density to both surface and subsurface enamel, <mHAP> nanoparticles not only protect against decay, but restore translucency and gloss, contributing to both the health and natural beautyof the teeth.
Antihypersensitivity Dentinal Tubular Occlusion 상아세관 봉쇄로 인한 지각과민증상의 완화
Sangi's nanohydroxyapatite toothpaste, in both in vitro and in situ tests, has been shown to occlude exposed dentinal tubules and create a fine hydroxyapatite coating over the exposed dentinal surface. Preliminary clinical studies and consumer trials indicate that it is effective in alleviating dentinal hypersensitivity.
Exposed dentinal surface and tubules, (a) before and
(b) (c) after treatment with Sangi's nanohydroxyapatite toothpaste
Cross-section of (b), showing tubular occlusion and surface coating by Sangi's nano-hydroxyapatite
(K.Ohta et al. Occlusion of Dentinal Tubules by Nano-Hydroxyapatite)
(Amaechi et al, Evaluation of Nano-hydroxyapatite-containing Toothpaste for Occluding Dentin Tubules )
아파프로를 통해 의료인(전문가)가 누릴 수 있는 혜택
Enamel Restoractive Functions Clinical use of <nHAP> 나노 하이드록시아파타이트의 에나멜 수복기능
① After PMTC 스케일링, 전문가 치면세마 후
② After Debonding 교정치료시 디본딩후(브라켓제거후)
③ After Bleaching 치아미백치료후
<nHAP> replenishes mineral lost during bleaching, restoring enamel density and smoothness, and protecting against sensitivity and early recurrence of stains.
・Restoration of post-bleach enamel smoothness
・Protection against post-bleach stain recurrence
Teeth either treated (a) or not treated (b) with nano <mHAP> paste after bleaching were
immersed successively in red wine, then a stain remover (PEG), for three cycles.
(M.Nishio et al, Post-bleach Stain lnhibition by Nano-Hydroxyapatite:a Cyclical Staining Test)