미국 유니케어바이오메디칼사의 비흡수성 차폐막 시리즈입니다.
첫번 째는 두께 0.8mm의 티타늄 메쉬입니다.
얇고 조작성이 뛰어나 노출 위험성이 적습니다.
아노다이징처리로 골드색상이며 두께 대비 강도가 뛰어나고 생체친화적입니다.
스크류 고정을 회소화 할 수 있는 장점이 있습니다.
사각형 모양의 쉬트 타입과 어버트먼트나 커버스크류로 고정할 수 있느 홀 타입이 있습니다.
Cytoflex® Mesh is made of a pure, implantable Titanium mesh with precision mesh profile. This product is designed for use to ensure three-dimensional reconstruction of alveolar bone defects and to facilitate bone augmentation through adequate fixation of the augmentation material. The thin, supple mesh conforms easily to tissue contours, and yet presents sufficient stiffness to maintain a space over the bony defect.
20X25 25X30
두번째는 비흡수성 PTFE 차폐막인 테프 가드입니다.
발치와나 연조직이 부족한 케이스에서 노출시에도 감염을 최소화합니다.
d-PTFE와 e-PTFE의 장단점을 보완한 마이크로포로스 타입으로 적당히 연조직이 달라 붙습니다.
뻣뻣하지 않으며 유연성이 뛰어납니다.
CYTOFLEX® Tef-Guard®
Cytoflex Smooth Tefguard is a non-resorbable, space-making, barrier membrane intended for guided tissue regeneration procedures. Composed of proprietary micro-porous polytetrafluoethylene (ePTFE) thin film, Cytoflex smooth Tefguard has a surface texture and porosity suitable for host cells to attach upon. The micro porous surface is designed to prevent bacteria from penetrating through the membrane while promoting diffusion of interstitial fluid for optimal healing. It also allows for improved adhesion between gingiva tissue and the membrane, preventing passage and integration of bacteria within the interstices of the material.
The supple membrane conforms easily to tissue contours and offers sufficient rigidity to maintain space over the bony defect. The smooth version has micro pore texture on both surfaces. The cellular micro texture is invisible to the naked eye but can be seen at high magnifications.
12X24, 25X30
세번째는 티타늄 강화형(Ti-enforced) 차폐막입니다.
광범위한 골이식시 공간유지 능력이 탁월합니다.(수직적, 수평적 골 증대술)
두께가 얇고 유연해 조작성이 매우 뛰어납니다.
앞뒷면이 없고 엠보싱 처리 되어있어 연조직이 잘 달라 붙으며 제거가 용이합니다.
Ti-Enforced™ ePTFE membranes are a multi-layer, non-resorbable membrane intended to be surgically placed under the muco-periosteum to aid in tissue regeneration in accordance with the guided tissue regeneration principle. It is a barrier material with a titanium frame enclosed within two layers of ePTFE material. The titanium reinforcement is intended for space and shape maintenance to contain bone grafting material and to minimize graft movement during wound healing. The membranes are designed to block bacteria penetration, and impede the migration and establishment of gingival tissue derived cells into bony defects. This provides a more favorable environment for neovascularization and for bone derived cells to repopulate and repair the defect. The Ti-Enforced™ membranes are textured on both surfaces to improve handling and adhesion between tissue and membrane.
19X26 20X25 25X30
오스코 www.ossco.kr
02 779 2880
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