미국 US endodonic사의 에지테이퍼 플레티넘 파일
덴츠플라이 프로테이퍼 호환
Heat treated Fire-Wire Ni-Ti : 에지엔도만의 열처리/극저온 처리기술
유연성(flexibility)과 강도(strength)가 기존 전동파일에 비해 최대 8배 뛰어납니다.
No bounce back
마케팅 비용과 유통비용을 절감하여 가격이 기존 전동파일에 비해 1/2로 저렴합니다.
덴츠플라이의 프로테이퍼와 호환 됩니다.(새로운 술식을 익힐 필요가 없습니다)
SX, S1, S2, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5
21mm or 25mm
Dr. Brett A. Rosenberg D.D.S.
PA of Microscopic Endodontics Root Canal Therapy in Jupiter, Florida
Dr. Julio C. De La Fuente DDS
General Dentist, Edinburg, Tx, 78539
Dr. Clifford S. Leffingwell III, endodontist
General Dentist, Lincoln, NE, 68506
The 44 years female patient presented as a referral from her general dentist due to a carious exposure of tooth #31 (Mandibular Right Second Molar). Upon completion of an exam and diagnosis, a treatment plan for endodontic therapy was presented to the patient and she subsequently consented to treatment. The case presented radiographically to demonstrate severe curvature approaching 90 degrees. Based upon previous experience and familiarity of Edge Endo files, I felt confident in navigating this canal system. This was after appropriate patency obtained with handfiles (Edge Endo K-Files).