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사용이 쉬운 레진메트릭스밴드, 프로메트릭스

Discover Why 87% Of Dentists Surveyed Would Switch To A Pro-Matrix Band!

프로메트릭스를 사용해 본 87%의 치과의사들이 프로메트릭스로 바꾸었습니다.


Choose Pro-Matrix for your one-stop solution for clinically superior amalgam or composite restorations for use in all quadrants for every class. This quick and simple to use matrix system is also fully disposable to comply with cross infection protocols and save time and effort of assembling and sterilising. According to one user, Pro-Matrix is “Easy, quick, great at conforming to tooth and easy to burnish. Fantastic improvement finally.’

프로메트릭스는 쉽고 빠르고 편리합니다.



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