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EdgeFile X7, 엣지엔도 엣지파일 엑스세븐 우수성 논문들

미국에서 가장 대중적으로 많이 판매되는 근관치료 로타리 파일


엣지파일 X7의 특징과 장점


엣지파일 엑스세븐의 우수성에 관한 국제 저널

J Conserv Dent

2023 Jan-Feb;26(1):26-30.

 doi: 10.4103/jcd.jcd_611_21. Epub 2022 Aug 17.

Effect of autoclave sterilization on the cyclic fatigue resistance of EdgeFile X7, 2Shape, and F-one nickel-titanium endodontic instruments

Arkan H Al-Amidi 1Hikmet Abdul-Rahim Al-Gharrawi 2

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Background: Rotary nickel-titanium files have become the most commonly used engine-powered endodontic instruments due to their improvement in fatigue resistance and flexibility. The autoclaving is the most commonly used method for sterilization. However, the risk of instrument fracture, mainly due to cyclic fatigue during rotation within a curved canal, is still a matter of critical concern.

Aims: This study aimed to measure and compares the cyclic fatigue resistance of EdgeFile X7, 2Shape, and F-One files in a single curved simulated canal before and after autoclave sterilization.

Materials and methods: Twenty-four files each of EdgeFile X7, 2Shape, and F-One files were used in this study. They were grouped as group A: EdgeFile X7, group B: 2Shape, and group C: F-One files. Then, each group was subdivided into two, sterilized and nonsterilized, subgroups. The files were tested using a custom-made artificial canal. The number of cycles to fracture (NCF) was calculated.

Statistical analysis used: One-way analysis of variance, post hoc Tukey's test, and independent t-test were used.

Results: In nonsterilized instruments, the NCF of the EdgeFile X7 group was significantly higher than that in the other groups (P < 0.05). In sterilized instruments, there was a nonsignificant difference in NCF between EdgeFile X7 and F-One files (P > 0.05). The NCF of 2Shape was significantly lower than other files (P ≤ 0.05) in sterilized and nonsterilized groups. The autoclaving significantly decreased (P ≤ 0.05) the cyclic fatigue resistance of the tested files.

Conclusions: EdgeFile X7 was the most fatigue resistant. Autoclaving reduced the cyclic fatigue resistance of the tested files.

Keywords: 2Shape; EdgeFile X7; F-One; autoclave sterilization; cyclic fatigue.


Biomed Res Int

 2020 Dec 14;2020:8826069.

 doi: 10.1155/2020/8826069. eCollection 2020.

The Effect of Multiple Autoclave Sterilization on the Cyclic Fatigue of Three Heat-Treated Nickel-Titanium Rotary Files: EdgeFile X7, Vortex Blue, and TRUShape

Reham Sharroufna 1Mohammed Mashyakhy 2

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Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of repeated autoclave sterilization on the cyclic fatigue resistance of heat-treated NiTi rotary endodontic instruments.

Materials and methods: Three NiTi rotary endodontic instruments (EdgeFile X7, EFX7 0.30/0.4; Vortex Blue, VB 0.30/0.4; and TRUShape, TS 0.30/0.6) were selected. Each group (n = 24 each) was divided into 2 subgroups (n = 12 each): sterilized instruments and nonsterilized instruments. The sterilized instruments were subjected to 10 cycles of autoclave sterilization. Twelve instruments from each different subgroups were tested for cyclic fatigue resistance, and the number of cycles to failure (NCF) was calculated. Means and standard deviations were calculated for each group, and data were statistically analyzed using the SPSS program (P < 0.05).

Results: Sterilized and nonsterilized EFX7 files showed the highest NCF compared with other file subgroups. Comparing the results between sterilized and nonsterilized instruments for each type of files, there was a statistically significant difference (P < 0.05) only between sterilized and nonsterilized EFX7 files (1198 versus 755 NCF). The other instruments did not show significant differences (P > 0.05) in the mean NCF as a result of sterilization cycles (VB, 606 versus 568 NCF; TS, 487 versus 442 NCF).

Conclusion: Repeated cycles of autoclave sterilization increased the NCF of the new heat-treated files, with EFX7 showing statistically significant superior results compared with other files tested.


J Dent Sci

2021 Mar;16(2):738-743.

 doi: 10.1016/j.jds.2020.08.015. Epub 2020 Sep 14.

Effect of sodium hypochlorite on conventional and heat-treated nickel-titanium endodontic rotary instruments - An in vitro study

Jack Han-Hsing Lin 1 2Bekir Karabucak 1Su-Min Lee 1

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Background/purpose: Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is a highly alkaline solution which exhibits antimicrobial properties. However, it causes corrosion to endodontic rotary files. This study investigated the effect of NaOCl on the metal surface of five different unused endodontic rotary files in vitro.

Materials and methods: Two non-heat-treated nickel-titanium (NiTi) files, ProTaper, BioRace, and three heat-treated NiTi files, VortexBlue, TRUShape, and EdgeFile X7 files, were immersed in 4% NaOCl for 5, 10, and 20 min, and 1, 6 and 24 h. The corrosion susceptibility was evaluated by visual inspection and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).

Results: In the TRUShape group, the black particulate matter was mostly formed at the file's curvature and shaft. A large amount of precipitate accumulated in the EdgeFile group. The extent and prevalence of surface defects were found to be consistently higher in EdgeFile X7 instruments than in any other instruments. EdgeFile X7 and TRUShape files exhibited a greater corrosive tendency to NaOCl than BioRace, ProTaper, and VortexBlue not only under visual inspection, but also under SEM analysis after prolonged immersion (1, 6, 24 h) in 4% NaOCl. However, shorter immersion periods (5, 10, 20 min) showed little surface corrosion across all experimental groups.

Conclusion: Within the limitations of this study, EdgeFile X7 and TRUShape files exhibit greater corrosive tendencies to NaOCl in vitro than BioRace, ProTaper, and VortexBlue files after prolonged immersion in 4% NaOCl. However, shorter immersion periods, which more closely approximate clinical conditions during single root canal therapy, may not show surface corrosion across all experimental groups.

Keywords: Corrosion; Heat-treated nickel-titanium file; Scanning electron microscopy; Sodium hypochlorite.


Eur J Dent

2019 Oct;13(4):556-562.

 doi: 10.1055/s-0039-1698369. Epub 2019 Dec 31.

In Vivo Evaluation of Operative Torque Generated by Two Nickel-Titanium Rotary Instruments during Root Canal Preparation

Gianluca Gambarini 1Massimo Galli 1Marco Seracchiani 1Dario Di Nardo 1Marco A Versiani 2Lucila Piasecki 3Luca Testarelli 1

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Objectives: This in vivo study evaluated the operative torque and preparation time of ProTaper NEXT (Dentsply Maillefer; Ballaigues, Switzerland) and EdgeFile X7 (EdgeEndo; Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States) rotary systems during root canal preparation of maxillary premolars.

Materials and methods: Ten double-rooted maxillary premolars with independent canals were selected. Each canal in each tooth was prepared with one of the rotary systems (n = 10), ProTaper NEXT or EdgeFile X7. The instruments were rotated at 300 rpm with maximum torque set at 2 N.cm using an electric motor (KaVo; Biberach, Germany) that automatically recorded torque values at every 1/10th of a second (ds).

Statistical analysis: Operative torque (N.cm) and preparation time (s) of the first shaping instrument (size 17/.04) of both rotary systems were recorded and statistically compared using the Mann-Whiney U test with a significance level set at 5%.

Results: No instrument exhibited flute deformation or underwent intracanal failure. No differences were found between the instruments regarding the maximum (peak) torque values (p > 0.05). EdgeFile X7 17/.04 required significantly less preparation time (3.75 seconds interquartile range [IQR]: 3.2-9.0) than ProTaper NEXT X1 (15.45 seconds IQR: 8.35-21.1) (p < 0.05). The median operative torque values of ProTaper NEXT X1 (0.26 N.cm; IQR: 0.18-0.49) were significantly higher compared with EdgeFile X7 17/.04 (0.09 N.cm; IQR: 0.05-0.17) (p < 0.05).

Conclusions: Although no difference was found between the median peak torque values of ProTaper NEXT X1 and EdgeFile X7 17/.04 instruments, the operative torque and instrumentation time results were impacted by their different designs and alloys during clinical preparation of root canals.


엣지엔도와 엣지파일 X7에 대한 상세한 정보



엣지엔도 열처리 NiTi 파일




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