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오코덴트 써지칼 버 ZrN coating!

HF 118A 012 FG

Surgical high-performance cutter

for gentle cutting and finest surfaces


Reduced cross-cut and One piece carbide!

Longer Slender Neck!

Ceramic Zirconium Nitrite Coating!


The surgical Tungsten Carbide cutter is a dual instrument for minimally invasive preparation working gently on the tooth substance and bone tissue with protections of the neighbouring tissue at the same time.



Preparation of bone and bone coverings

Exposing and separation of retained teeth




Zirkonium Nitride Coatings (ZrN)

Titanium Nitride Coating(TiN)코팅 보다 내마모성, 강도, 내부식성, 내화학성이 월등이 뛰어난 세라믹 코팅기술! 주로 정밀성이나 안전성이 이 요구되는 의료기기 분야 등에 사용 된다.



An arc with high current density is run over the target material causing it to evaporate and to release ziconium atoms, which are ionized and propelled towards the implant. During the process, nitrogen is introduced into the vacuum chamber. The ZrN coating is formed when the titanium ions strike the implant surface and, simultaneously, combine with the nitrogen atoms.

Range of Application

  • Orthopedic implant components

  • Surgical instruments

  • Rotating instruments


    ZrN coatings only modify the surface properties. The material properties and biomechanical functionality is not altered by the coating.

  • Color: pastell yellow

  • Coating thickness: 0.5–6 µm

  • Roughness: Ra ≤ 0.05 µm

  • Adhesive strength: at least HF 1 (DIN EN ISO 26443)

  • Coating hardness: ~2,500 HV

    Advantages of the Procedure

  • Higher wettability with synovial fluid

  • Low friction articulation

  • Long-term chemical stability

  • Outstanding coating adhesion