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발치후, 사랑니 발치 후 지혈엔 베나셀, Benacel

베나셀 국소지혈 거즈


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BenaCel® dental dressing is made of biocompatible oxidized cellulose and contains no chemical additives. BenaCel® dental dressing adheres to moist oral mucosa and forms a temporary barrier protecting the wound from further irritation and pain. When placed in the extraction socket, BenaCel® dental dressing forms a gelatinous scaffold in the blood extrude, facilitating the development of a stable blood clot to prevent dry socket formation.

BenaCel® dental dressing is designed for use in the extraction site and the management of bleeding and alveolar osteitis (dry socket). It may also be used as a wound dressing for the temporary management of oral surgical wounds, such as operative, postoperative, donor sites and traumatic injuries.


Dr. Tommy Murph, author of "Extraction Guide for the Exodontist", Hands on Extraction Course Director, Inventor the "Dr. Murph Crane Pick"
Conway, South Carolina

  1. How long have you been an exodontist?
    • 25 years
  2. How long have you used BenaCel® Dental dressing? What do you use BenaCel® mostly for?
    • Over 7 years
    • Prevention of Dry Sockets
  3. Prior to BenaCel® Dental Dressing, what products did you use and why did you decide to switch to BenaCel® Dental Dressing?
    • Gel-Foam mostly. Benacel is so much easier to use and costs less.
  4. There are several configurations of BenaCel®. How do you decide which configuration is preferred for each case?
    • Very Simple...Size One is for small conical sockets, Size 2 is for lower molars and buccal roots of upper molars, Size 3 is for Large conical roots and sinus perforations
  5. Is BenaCel® easy to use and what is the best way to use it?
    • Very Easy too use. Many new BenaCel® users don't put it in deep enough. You have to pack it down into the socket so it doesn't come out
  6. How long does it takes for BenaCel® to resorb?
    • It varies from 1 to 2 weeks, or more, depending on the amount of BenaCel® used and bleeding conditions.
  7. After placing BenaCel® in the socket, do you retain the material with sutures? If so, what sutures do you use and how do you place the sutures to retain BenaCel®?
    • Only if there is a sinus perforation to prevent the material from dislodging into the sinus space. Chromic Gut is my suture of choice and I run the suture through the hole in the size 1 and 3 BenaCel® before closing a sinus perforation.
  8. Have you used BenaCel® on patients who take blood thinner, such as Aspirin® or Coumadin®?
    • BenaCel® is mandatory for any patient on a blood thinner. Just common sense that you want to do everything possible to get a clot and maintain a clot in this patient group.
  9. Have you used BenaCel® for any another purpose, other than bleeding and dry socket management?
    • I use it mainly for dry socket prevention, but you can use it to TREAT a dry socket that presents to your office by cleaning the socket, packing with BenaCel® and then suturing the socket closed.
  10. Have your patients encountered any allergic reactions or complaints due to BenaCel®?
    • Never, on the contrary we have had some patients report to us that they had STOPPED smoking and wondered if the material had any chemical composition that would make them not want to smoke. As far as I know it doesn't, but we tell them Congratulations, glad we could help you stop smoking.