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고성능 텅스텐 카바이드 써지칼 버

Surgical high-performance cutter


골삭제 ㅣ 치근삭제 ㅣ 매복치


부드러운 절삭과 매끈한 표면을 위한 HF 118 A 012 FG


제조원: 독일 오코덴트

Reduced cross-cut and One piece carbide!

강하고 빠르며 부드럽게 절삭한다.


Longer Slender Neck!

최소침습! 시야 확보가 용이하다.


Ceramic Zirconium Nitrite Coating!

열 발생이 적고 생체친화적이며 내마모성이 뛰어나다.


HF 118A 012 FG

Surgical high-performance cutter

for gentle cutting and finest surfaces


The surgical Tungsten Carbide cutter is a dual instrument for minimally invasive preparation working gently on the tooth substance and bone tissue with protections of the neighbouring tissue at the same time.



Preparation of bone and bone coverings

Exposing and separation of retained teeth







믿음으로 다가가는 정직한 회사 오스코

