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치아교정환자의 충치예방 : 불소는 교정용 와이어를 부식시킵니다.

치아교정환자의 충치예방

: 불소제품은 사용하지 않는 것이 좋습니다.


불소는 교정장치를 부식시켜 교정치료에 좋지 않은 영향을 줄 수 있습니다.

치아교정환자는 탈회와 충치의 위험이 높습니다. 그 이유는 구강내의 복잡한 구강장치로 인해 관리가 어렵기 때문입니다. 탈회와 충치의 원인은 음식물 찌꺼기로 인한 산과 세균 때문입니다. 따라서 구강 내 산(Acids) 발생의 원인이 되는 음식물찌거기와 그 인한 세균을 잘 제거해야 합니다.

과거에는 교정치료 중인 환자에게 충치예방에 효과가 있다는 불소치약이나 가글 등을 많이 처방했습니다. 그러나 지금은 어떨까요? 과거에는 올바른 처방이었다고 할 수 있으나 과학적 사실들은 변할 수도 있다는 사실을 알아야 합니다.

최근 발표 되는 연구논문에 따르면 불소는 구강 내의 교정장치(와이어)를 부식시킬 수 있습니다. 와이어가 부식되면 마찰계수가 달라져 의도한 치아의 이동이 이루어 지지 않을 수 있습니다. 즉 처음 의도했던 치료결과가 달라질 수 있는 것입니다.


2016 Oct-Dec;5(4):121-126.

Fluoride influences nickel-titanium orthodontic wires' surface texture and friction resistance.

Author information

Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah 21381, Saudi Arabia; Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt.



The aim of this study was to investigate the effects exerted by the acidulated fluoride gel on stainless steel and nickel-titanium (Ni-Ti) orthodontic wires.


Sixty stainless steel and Ni-Ti orthodontic archwires were distributed into forty archwires used for in vitro study and twenty for in situ study. Fluoride was applied for 1 h in the in vitro experiment while it was applied for 5 min in the in situ experiment. The friction resistance of all wires with ceramic brackets before/after topical fluoride application was measured using a universal testing machine at 1 min intervals of moving wire. Moreover, surface properties of the tested wires before/after fluoride application and before/after friction test were examined by a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Dunnett's t-test was used to compare frictional resistance of as-received stainless steel wires and Ni-Ti wires to the wires treated by fluoride in vitro and in situ (P < 0.05). Two-way ANOVA was used to compare the effect of fluoride application and type of wire on friction resistance in vitro and in situ (P < 0.05).


Ni-Ti wires recorded significantly high friction resistance after fluoride application when compared to stainless steel wires in vitro, P < 0.05. Fluoride application did not significantly affect the friction resistance of the tested wires in situ, P < 0.05. SEM observation revealed deterioration of the surface texture of the Ni-Ti wires after fluoride application in vitro and in situ.


The in vitro fluoride application caused an increase in friction resistance of Ni-Ti wires when compared to stainless steel wires. In vitro and in situ fluoride application caused deterioration in surface properties of Ni-Ti wires.

2019 May 1;11(5):e414-e420. doi: 10.4317/jced.55601. eCollection 2019 May.

Assessment of the electrochemical behaviour of Nickel-Titanium-based orthodontic wires: Effect of some natural corrosion inhibitors in comparison with fluoride.

Author information

Orthodontist, private practice, PhD student, Physiopathology molecular genetics and biotechnologies laboratory, Faculty of Sciences Ain Chock, Center of Health & Biotechnology, Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco.
PhD student, LIMAT-Thermostructural Materials and Polymers Team, Center of Health & Biotechnology, Faculty of science Ben M'sik, Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco.
Assistant professor, Physiopathology molecular genetics and biotechnologies laboratory, Center of Health & Biotechnology, Faculty of Sciences Ain Chock, Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco.
Professor, Ben Msik Analysis Center, Faculty of Sciences Ben Msik, Center of Health & Biotechnology, Hassan II University, Casablanca, MMorocco.
Professor, Physiopathology molecular genetics and biotechnologies laboratory, Faculty of Sciences Ain Chock, Center of Health & Biotechnology, Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco.
Professor, director of Physiopathology Molecular Genetics and Biotechnologies laboratory, Faculty of Sciences Ain Chock, Center of Health & Biotechnology, Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco.



The aim of this study is to assess the corrosion resistance behaviour of Nickel-Titanium-based orthodontic wires (NiTi) in different concentrations of Sodium Fluoride (NaF) and the corrosion's inhibitory effect of the extracts of some medicinal plants (essential oils, hydrosols and extract).

Material and Methods:

In this study we used NiTi (3M) and CuNiTi (ORMCO, 35°C, California) orthodontic wires. The following electrolytes were prepared: Lactate Ringer solution with additions of 0.1%, 0.5% or 1% of Sodium Fluoride and the extracts of different plants: Artemisia, Syzygium aromaticum (Clove) and Celtis australis. Corrosion resistance was studied using anodic potentiodynamic polarisation and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements. At the end of the experiment, microscopic images of wires were performed. ANOVA test with the comparison of Bonferroni and Tukey tests were performed to elucidate comparisons among all groups.


The higher sodium fluoride concentration is related to negative corrosion potential for both NiTi and CuNiTi orthodontic wire. Hydrosols are associated to positive values of corrosion potential. CuNiTi has a lower corrosion resistance than NiTi.


The prescription of toothpastes containing sodium fluoride should be reduced especially for patients wearing fixed orthodontic appliances. Eugenol may be considered as alternative of sodium fluoride for orthodontic patients for its anti-microbial and anti-corrosive effects.

따라서 교정치료환자들의 경우 불소와 같이 교정장치에 영향을 줄 수 있는 물질이 아닌 충치예방효과가 있는 제품을 사용해야 합니다.


아파프로® 나노 하이드록시아파타이트 페이스트

아파프로는 치아와 같은 성분의 나노 하이드록시아파타이트 페이스트로 와이어를 마모시키거나 부식시키지 않습니다. 아파프로의 최대의 장점은 세균의 흡착과 제거능력이 탁월하고 치아재광화효과가 있다는 점입니다. 아파프로의 또 다른 장점은 치과에서의 프로케어와 가정에서의 자가케어를 병행 할 수 있다는 점입니다. 예방효과를 극대화 하기 위해서는 정기적인 프로케어와 가정에서의 일상적인 자가케어가 함께 병행 되는 것이 좋습니다. 치과에서 아무리 구강케어를 잘해 주어도 가정에서 엉망이면 아무 효과를 볼 수 없습니다. 아파프로는 칼슘과 인의 원천으로서 먹어도 인체에 무해하며 특별한 용량과 용법의 제한이 없어 가정에서 사용편의성이 뛰어납니다.


아파프로®의 충치예방, 치아재광화, 구강내 세균제거효과