정밀한 인상채득을 위한 열변형 플라스틱 트레이, 트랜스폼 인상트레이
The ADAPT Evaluation - Transform impression trays
트랜스폼 트레이 제품 평가
트랜스폼 트레이는 70도의 물에 20초간 담가 모양을 번형하거나 자를 수 있으며 실온에서 원래의 경도대로 딱딱해진다. ADAPT는 다양한 임상상황과 실험실 테스트를 수행하여 트랜스폼 트레이를 평가하였다. 실험실테스트는 변형후 형태의 변화와 체적안정성등을 실험하였다.
Chairman Howard Stean and Robert Brody of ADAPT, present the group’s clinical evaluation of Transform mouldable plastic impression trays.
Transform impression trays by Astek Innovations, are marketed as part of the Pegasus range of dental products. The advantage of the trays is that they are adaptable for situations where standardshaped trays would not be suitable. The trays may be moulded by immersion in hot water at 70 °C for 20 seconds, which softens the plastic prior to reshaping the edges and general shape. on cooling the tray hardens and will retain its shape. They may also be trimmed or added to marginally as normal. ADAPT has been asked to evaluate these trays in dental practice. ADAPT evaluators used the trays for a variety of clinical applications and also undertook some laboratory testing. The laboratory testing was designed to monitor such alteration in shape, principally for stability of the change, as any rebound will distort the impression and ruin the subsequent laboratory items made from the resultant work model. The immediate feel of the trays was that they are strong and firm and inflexible. The trays come in sets of six sizes, for each of dentate and edentulous impressions.
Basic design
기본적인 디자인
인상재의 유지를 위한 구멍들은 트래이의 경도를 약화시키지 않는다. 인상채득결과에서도 어떤 문제점을 발견할 수 없었고 환자의 컴플레인도 없었다. 한평가자는 bony torus 케이스에 사용하였고 특별이 제작된 별도의 트레이가 필요 없었다고 하였고 다른 참가자는 임플란트 인상시 트레이 뒤에 구멍을 내어 픽업용 트레이로 사용하였다. 모든 임상케이스에서 어떤 문제를 발견할 수 없었으며 동료치과의사들에게 사용을 권유할 수 있다.
The retention perforations seem very adequate whilst not weakening the rigidity of the tray. There is a ridge along the edges The ADAPT Evaluation Transform impression trays evaluators made use of an electrically heated water bath set to 70°C. No problems were found with results from the impressions, and there were no complaints from patients about ill-fitting trays. one evaluator commented that a tray was successfully adapted to avoid a bony torus, which was considered to be an advantage to the extent that a special tray was not needed. Another evaluator used a tray for the pick-up of an implant impression coping. It is usual to drill a hole in a tray to permit the coping to be undone after setting of the impression material. It was found that some ‘healing’ of the plastic occurred when the position of the hole was somewhat varied by drilling laterally. This was also thought to be an advantage. ADAPT opinion Overall the trays performed well, with no problems noted over a period of several weeks’ use. ADAPT can recommend use of the Transform trays to colleagues. that may have been designed to enhance the edge-strength although the trays may be trimmed if overextended at any point. one evaluator felt that if the ridge had been rather than on the external surface, on the inner surface it may have further enhanced retention of the impression material, as is the virtue of the rim-lock tray design. Perhaps patent aspects are involved in this. There is an excellent video describing the use of the tray on Astek Innovations website.
Laboratory test
실험실 테스트
유치악 하악 모델이 테스트 대상이었다. 70도의 물에 20초간 담근 후 변형할 수 있었으며 실온에서 약 10~15초 뒤에 원래의 경도대로 딱딱해 졌다. 변형된 트레이는 1주와 2주 간격으로 측정 되었으며 변형 된 형태에서 어떤 체적변화도 보이지 않아 안정적이었다. 트랜스폼에 사용된 열변병 플라스틱의 퀄리티가 매우 뛰어남을 확인할 수 있었다.
A lower dentate tray was used in this test. Each end of the tray in turn was immersed in hot water and became softened within 20 seconds. one end was squeezed together and the other end was expanded. After 10-15 seconds the tray had cooled and felt rigid again. There are regular indentations in the edge-ridge. These were marked to reference the measurement points and immediate measurements were noted. The initial width of the tray was 20mm at point of measurement. Following the adaptation as described above, one side was reduced to 14mm and the other expanded to 27.5mm, measured with a digital caliper/micrometer. The measurements were repeated daily for one week and again after two weeks. The trays remained exactly stable throughout the test period and completely reliable following heat modification. The developers of this tray have found a plastic that has excellent thermoplastic qualities that are ideally suited to their purpose.
Clinical evaluation procedure
진료실 임상 평가 과정
일반적인 진료환경에서 트랜스폼 틀이를 사용하 였으면 어드히시브는 사용하지 않았다. 트레이의 구멍들이 인상재를 견고하게 잡고 있을 수 있도록 설계 되어 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 인상채득과정에서 어떤 문제도 발견할 수 없었으며 잘 맞지 않는 트레이로 인한 환자의 컴플레인도 들을 수 없었다. 한 참가자는 bony torus에 다른 한 참가자는 임플란트 픽업 인상채득시 사용 하였고 이는 열변형 트레이의 장점으로 생각 된다.
A team of ADAPT dentists agreed to use the trays in general practice. They were for a selection of treatment impressions including alginate and also synthetic elastomeric materials. No adhesives were routinely applied, as the perforations are designed to retain materials securely. Where applicable tray margins were altered using the correct procedure. Some evaluators made use of an electrically heated water bath set to 70°C. No problems were found with results from the impressions, and there were no complaints from patients about ill-fitting trays. one evaluator commented that a tray was successfully adapted to avoid a bony torus, which was considered to be an advantage to the extent that a special tray was not needed. Another evaluator used a tray for the pick-up of an implant impression coping. It is usual to drill a hole in a tray to permit the coping to be undone after setting of the impression material. It was found that some ‘healing’ of the plastic occurred when the position of the hole was somewhat varied by drilling laterally. This was also thought to be an advantage.
ADAPT opinion
Overall the trays performed well, with no problems noted over a period of several weeks’ use. ADAPT can recommend use of the Transform trays to colleagues
전반적으로 트랜스폼 트레이는 수주간의 테스트 결과 문제없이 잘 사용 되었고 ADPT는 이제품을 동료 치과의사들에게 사용할 것을 추천한다.
트랜스폼 트레이 데모 동영상
트랜스폼 트레이는 오스코와 이덴트,덴탈이마트,케이덴탈, 세일글로발,덴트포토등 치과재료 쇼핑몰에서 구매하실수 있습니다.
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