
논문으로 보는 에지엔도 나이타이 전동파일의 우수성

오스코 2019. 12. 20. 11:51

Fire-Wire Ni-Ti

나이타이파일의 반복 사용으로 인한 회전피로 파절에 대한 저항성이 뛰어납니다.

J Endod. 2017 May

The Effect of Temperature on Cyclic Fatigue of Nickel-titanium Rotary Endodontic Instruments.


VB group showed a significant decrease in NCF as the temperature increased from 3°C to 60°C. The ESX group showed a significant decrease in NCF as the temperature increased from 3°C to 37°C. The EF group showed a significant increase in NCF from 3°C to 22°C and a significant decrease in NCF from 22°C to 37°C. For each temperature, the EF group showed higher NCF than the VB group, which showed higher NCF than the ESX group.


In this in vitro study, temperature was found to significantly affect the cyclic fatigue of nickel-titanium rotary files. At each tested temperature, NCF was the highest for the EF group followed by the VB group and lowest for the ESX group. Future cyclic fatigue studies should be conducted at body temperature.

에지파일은 네가지 종류의 파일을 공급합니다.

에지글라이드패쓰, 에지파일 엑스원, 에지테이퍼 플래티늄, 에지테이퍼 앙코어 파일입니다.

에지파일의 호환성

프로글라이더 유저 = 에지글라이드패쓰

웨이브원, 레시프록 유저=에지파일 엑스원

프로테이퍼 골드 유저=에지테이퍼 플래티늄

프로테이퍼 넥스트 유저=에지테이퍼 앙코어

에지글라이드패쓰 파일은 글라이드형성 전용 싱글파일입니다.

J Endod. 2019 Feb

Mechanical Properties of Various Glide Path Preparation Nickel-titanium Rotary Instruments.


EdgeGlidePath showed superior cyclic fatigue resistance compared with the other systems. One G showed higher maximum torsional strength than the others. one G showed the largest distortion angle and the highest toughness followed by EdgeGlidePath and ProGlider (P < .05). one G also showed larger bending stiffness than the others, whereas EdgeGlidePath showed a larger residual angle than the others (P < .05).


Conventional wire showed higher toughness and torsional resistance than M-Wire and heat-treated nickel-titanium instruments. However, heat-treated wire showed higher cyclic resistance than conventional wire and M-Wire.

에지파일 엑스원은 레시프로케이팅 싱글파일입니다.

Braz Oral Res. 2019 Apr 11

Cyclic fatigue resistance of novel Genius and Edgefile nickel-titanium reciprocating instruments.

This study aimed to assess the cyclic fatigue resistance of Genius and EdgeFile X1 reciprocating instruments compared with WaveOne Gold Primary. Twenty Genius (Ultradent) 25.04, 20 Genius 30.04, 20 EdgeFile X1 (EdgeEndo) and 20 WaveOne Gold Primary (Dentsply Maillefer) instruments were included in this study and tested in a static cyclic fatigue testing device, which has an artificial stainless steel canal with a 60° angle of curvature and a 5-mm radius of curvature. All instruments were operated in reciprocation mode until fracture occurred. The number of cycles to failure (NCF) was calculated and time to fracture (TF) was recorded in seconds using a digital chronometer. The mean and standard deviations of NCF and TF were calculated for each reciprocating system and the data were subjected to Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance and to Dunn's test (p < .05) using SigmaPlot software (Systat software, CA, USA). The fractured surfaces of five instruments from each brand were randomly examined and microphotographed by a low-vacuum environmental scanning electron microscopy - SEM (Tabletop Microscope TM3030, Hitachi, Japan) to confirm the cyclic fatigue fracture. EdgeFile exhibited the highest cyclic fatigue resistance, followed by both Genius files (p < .05). Within the limitations of this in vitro study, EdgeFile X1 instruments had significantly higher cyclic fatigue resistance than did Genius and WaveOne Gold Primary instruments. The cyclic fatigue resistance of both Genius files was higher than that of WaveOne Gold Primary.

Aust Endod J. 2019 Dec

Resistance to cyclic fatigue of reciprocating instruments determined at body temperature and phase transformation analysis.

The purpose of this study was to compare cyclic fatigue (CF) resistance of reciprocating instruments at body temperature and relate the findings to their martensitic transformation temperatures. Contemporary nickel-titanium (NiTi) reciprocating instruments WaveOne Primary, WaveOne Gold Primary and EdgeFile X1 (n = 20 each and #25 tip diameter) were tested for CF resistance at body temperature (37 ± 1°C). Instruments were actioned according to manufacturer guidelines until fracture occurred in a simulated canal (angle of curvature = 60°, radius of curvature = 3 mm and centre of curvature = 5 mm from the tip). Time to fracture was recorded, and data analysed using Weibull analysis. Two instruments of each were tested using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) to assess phase transformation temperatures. Reciprocating instruments manufactured with new alloys seem to be safer to CF than those manufactured with traditional M-Wire at body temperature. Martensitic transformation temperatures seem not to relate with fatigue behaviour for reciprocating motions.

J Endod. 2018 Dec

Cone-beam Computed Tomographic Analysis of Canal Transportation and Centering Ability of Single-file Systems.


The mean canal transportation was significantly lower with EdgeFile (P < .001) followed by the WaveOne rotary system. Moreover, the centering ability of the EdgeFile system was higher than that of the WaveOne and Reciproc systems.


The EdgeFile rotary system showed the lowest transportation in both the mesiodistal and buccolingual directions and the highest centering ability. The Reciproc system showed the highest transportation and the lowest centering ability.

에지테이퍼 플래티늄 파일은 프로테이퍼 골드와 호환되는 멀티테이퍼파일입니다.

J Endod. 2019 May

Cyclic Fatigue and Torsional Failure of EdgeTaper Platinum Endodontic Files at Simulated Body Temperature.


The ETP had superior cyclic fatigue resistance than PTG (P < .01). However, it exhibited lower torsional resistance (P < .05). The ETP and PTG showed typical features of cyclic and torsional fatigue behavior under scanning electron microscopy.


The ETP exhibited superior resistance to cyclic fatigue but failed to show any improvement in the torsional resistance compared with PTG.

J Endod. 2018 Mar

Micro-computed Tomographic Evaluation of the Shaping Ability of XP-endo Shaper, iRaCe, and EdgeFile Systems in Long Oval-shaped Canals.


The XP-endo Shaper, iRaCe, and EdgeFile systems showed a similar shaping ability. Despite the XP-endo Shaper had significantly altered the overall geometry of the root canal to a more conical shape, neither technique was capable of completely preparing the long oval-shaped canals of mandibular incisors.

J Endod. 2017 May

The Effect of Temperature on Cyclic Fatigue of Nickel-titanium Rotary Endodontic Instruments.


In this in vitro study, temperature was found to significantly affect the cyclic fatigue of nickel-titanium rotary files. At each tested temperature, NCF was the highest for the EF group followed by the VB group and lowest for the ESX group. Future cyclic fatigue studies should be conducted at body temperature.

에지테이퍼 앙코어 파일은 프로테이퍼 넥스트와 호환되는 파일입니다.

Aust Endod J. 2019 Aug 13

Effect of two different temperatures on resistance to cyclic fatigue of one Curve, EdgeFile, HyFlex CM and ProTaper next files.

This study compared the cyclic fatigue resistance (CFR) of three controlled memory (CM) nickel-titanium rotary files (One Curve, EdgeFile and HyFlex CM) in comparison with a file (ProTaper Next) made from M-wire nickel-titanium alloy at two different temperatures (room and intracanal) in an s-shaped canal. one hundred and sixty files were tested to determine the CFR of oneCurve, EdgeFile, HyFlex CM and ProTaper Next in an artificial canal at room and at intracanal temperature. The number of cycles to failure was recorded, and data were analysed. At both temperatures, ProTaper Next exhibited the lowest CFR compared with the other files (P < 0.05). At room temperature, there was no difference among the three CM files regarding CFR (P > 0.05). At intracanal temperature, OneCurve and EdgeFile exhibited more CFR than the HyFlex CM (P < 0.05). Testing at intracanal temperature caused a significant decrease in CFR of all tested files compared with testing at room temperature.

에지테이퍼 플래티늄 VS 프로테이퍼 골드 비교