
잇몸관리(치주관리)와 뇌졸중 위험성

오스코 2019. 12. 17. 11:27

충치에 버금가는 가장 흔한 구강질환은 바로 잇몸질환(치주질환) : 충치가 없다고 입 속이 건강하다고 착각하지 마세요!


잇몸질환은 증상이 거의 없습니다. 치아가 시리다고 느낀다면 정도만 다를 뿐 잇몸질환은 이미 시작된 것입니다. 한 번 시작 된 잇몸질환을 원래 상태로 되돌리는 것은 불가능하며 질환의 진행을 늦추거나 정지시키는 치료가 최선입니다. 따라서 치주질환치료의 최선은 바로 예방(치료)입니다.


Vasc Health Risk Manag. 2019 Nov 6;15:519-532. doi: 10.2147/VHRM.S204097. eCollection 2019.

Periodontitis As A Risk Factor For Stroke: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis.

Fagundes NCF1,2, Almeida APCPSC1, Vilhena KFB1, Magno MB3, Maia LC3, Lima RR1.

Author information


Laboratory of Functional and Structural Biology, Institute of Biological Sciences, Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém-Pará, Brazil.


School of Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.


Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


This systematic review and meta-analysis investigate the association between periodontitis and stroke. This review followed the methods established by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines. Searches were conducted in five databases and two sources of grey literature. After the selection of the articles, a risk of bias evaluation was performed. Three meta-analyzes were performed: Assessing the overall association between stroke and periodontitis in case-control studies; Ischemic stroke and periodontitis in case-control studies; The association between stroke and periodontitis in cohort studies. Heterogeneity was assessed using the I2 index and the odds ratio was also calculated (p < 0.05). The Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) was applied to evaluate the level of evidence. 2193 potentially relevant studies were identified, with 10 studies included in qualitative and quantitative analysis. All the articles were considered with low risk of bias and a low level of certainty. The results demonstrated a positive association between both disorders and increased risk for stroke among cohort studies (RR 1.88 [1.55, 2.29], p<0.00001, I2=0%) and for ischemic stroke events in case-control studies (RR 2.72 [2.00, 3.71], p<0.00001, I2= 4%). Periodontitis may represent a risk factor for stroke, especially in ischemic events. However, new studies with a robust design are necessary for a reliable conclusion.


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구강 내의 염증 매개물질, 병원성 세균과 대사산물이 혈관을 통해 전신으로 퍼져서 혈전 형성을 촉진하고 혈액의 유동성을 저하시킴으로써 뇌졸중을 악화시킵니다.  치주질환자는 일반인에 비해 뇌졸중 위험이 3배 더 높은 것으로 보고되고 있습니다.

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