콘스아시아 학술대회 : 최소침습 MI관련 주요 강연 소개
아시아오세아니아 보존학회, 콘스아시아 ConsAisa 학술대회가 열립니다.
2019년 11월 8일~10일 코엑스 그랜드 볼륨
보존수복분야에서 최소침습 치료가 대세 인것은 분명해 보입니다.
예방부터 보존 수복까지 다양한 주제의 MI 관련 강의를 모아 보았습니다.
오스코 부스는 10번
오스코의 최소침습 관련제품은..
아파프로, 나노 하이드록시아파타이트 치아재광화촉진 페이스트
오코클리너, 글라스 강화 레진버: 에나멜 손상없는 치면착색제거 버
파이네스 : 초박막 레진성형 기구
David Manton Professor
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences
The University of Melbourne
Dental Caries – The New Paradigms
Dental caries, a behaviourally and genetically influenced bacterial disease moderated by individual characteristics, is one of the world’s most prevalent primarily preventable conditions. In many communities worldwide, a large proportion of children are still severely affected by dental caries. In the past 50 years, the prevention of dental caries has concentrated on the delivery of fluoride, whether it be via reticulated water, toothpaste or professionally applied products such as varnishes. Despite still being the ‘gold standard’ for prevention, the action of fluoride is limited somewhat by the concentration of bioavailable calcium and phosphate. Several products containing or having the ability to stabilize calcium and phosphate are now available commercially. Surprisingly, the primary cause of dental caries – a cariogenic diet, has often been ignored or barely mentioned, as modifying the diet involves behaviour modification, a difficult proposition in many people. In some individuals, modification of the risk factors is unlikely or not possible, so other methods, such as low viscosity resin infiltration of early carious lesions, become the most appropriate intervention.
Junji Tagami Professor
Cariology and Operative Dentistry
Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Minimally Invasive Aesthetic Restoration with Innovative Materials
The recent adhesive and restorative materials
provide excellent performance, and enabled us to apply the minimally invasive
aesthetic restorations with extremely simplified procedures.
Understanding the recent adhesive materials and restorative materials is
required to obtain the maximum performance of the materials. The clinical
procedures, such as application of adhesive, irradiation to bonding resin,
composite resin filling technique and irradiation, and cavity configuration are
also very significant factors to affect the quality of restorations. The
lecture provides the information on the
adhesive resin materials from the basic and clinical issue for the successful
restorations. Furthermore, the
monitoring of restorations for the long lasting function of restoration in both
biologically and esthetic points of view.
Niek Opdam Professor
Radboud University Medical Centre
Severe Tooth Wear, When and How to Restore?
Rehabilitation of patients with severe tooth wear
presents problems for the dentist, as restorative protocols are complicated and
extensive, including raising the bite in increased vertical dimension of
occlusion. Especially for this ‘high risk’ group of patients, showing bruxism
and erosion, prognosis of these rehabilitations is likely to be limited due to
recurrent wear and fracture of the restorations.
Therefore, for these patients with reduced dental tissues, a minimally invasive
approach is mandatory in order to enable future retreatments. At the Radboud
University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, there is a special care centre for
severe tooth wear running several clinical studies. In this lecture, the
Radboud Philosophy on treatment of
severe tooth wear and results of Minimally invasive strategies will be
discussed: from monitoring severe cases to total rehabilitations with minimally
invasive techniques, either using direct composites or indirect composite
and CADCAM restorations. Many examples of clinical cases will show failure and
success in treatments of this difficult patient group
Sebastian Paris Scientific Director, Center for
Dental and Craniofacial Sciences
Department of Operative and Preventive Dentistry
Charité Berlin
Micro-Invasive Dentistry: From “Drill and Fill” to “Heal and Seal”
Restorative Dentistry is changing nowadays. Due to widespread fluoridation and other preventive measures caries is progressing slower and the disease burden shifts more and more from children and adolescents towards older people. A new caries paradigm describes caries as a lifestyle - disease rather than an infectious disease. Due to these changes, besides the classic approach of caries treatment by excavation of diseased tissue and restoration of the defect, new treatment options emerged. These new methods aim to “heal” caries lesions without excavation either by addressing etiological factors or by micro-invasive measures such as sealing and infiltration of caries lesions. The lecture will and present new non- and micro-invasive treatments as well as the evidence regarding their clinical efficacy.